BlackBerry 7100G
Media Archeology Lab
Label written by Floyd Liu
What you see in front of you is the BlackBerry 7100G, a remarkable device that played an important role in the evolution of mobile communication in the early 21st century. Launched in 2005 by BlackBerry, this phone already has email, games, music, and other functions. The BlackBerry 7100G uses the scroll wheel to control movement instead of rigid up and down buttons. The SureType keyboard and 4MB of memory were innovative features that attracted much attention at the time, making input neater and more convenient and ensuring fast navigation and operation. The BlackBerry 7100G is more than just a piece of hardware; it is a symbol of human creativity and progress, a precursor to the smartphones that we rely on today. As you admire this artifact, reflect on how far technology has come and where it will take us next.
Image: Media Archeology Lab, Blackberry 7100G, Creative Commons: Attribution, Non-Commercial