Digital cultural heritage



Electric audio-visual device
Spindler and Sauppe
Label written by Paige Schuller

Whether it be a means to share photos from past travels or to view pictures from familial celebrations and gatherings, the 1957 Selectroslide helped users relive their most treasured moments. Equipped with revolving slots for slide film and a 1200 watt light, this model SLR-1200 Selectroslide slide projector was ideal for image projection. 

This electric device plugged into the wall and offered efficient transition between images for the user’s ease and viewing enjoyment. This efficiency cemented the Selectroslide as not only a tool for personal and sentimental use, but also an extremely useful instrument within the education system and other institutional and professional spheres. 

As indicated by both the company’s grey and blue dimond-shaped logo on the side of the projector and the preserved make and model sticker on the side of the device’s base, the slide projector was manufactured by Los Angeles-based photographic and film supply company Spindler and Sauppe Inc. 

Image courtesy of Media Archealogy Lab, Selectroslide, Creative Commons